Vil du deltage i Viborg Game Expo som en del af spilbranchen? Her kan du være med til at inspirere fremtidens spiludviklere samt vise dit firma / spil frem, tale med nye talenter, andre spilstudier og spiluddannelser.

Har du et spil under udvikling eller er du del af et indie-studie, der ønsker at deltage gratis i Viborg Game Expo?

Har du et spil under udvikling eller er du del af et indie-studie, der ønsker at deltage gratis i Viborg Game Expo?

VIDEO GAMES EXHIBITION Kom til Viborg Game Expo og spil nye og gamle spil.

Become part of the game!
Booths & Pricing
Customize your booth at Viborg Game Expo, that fits your criteria and budget. Whether you need to showcase your game, a demo, want to build business relations, a booth at Viborg Game Expo is a highway to be in contact with the Scandinavian games industry and consumers.

Click here, if you want to learn more about the Indie Spot located in VGE's Indie Park area.
Booth measures and conditions
- Module size 100 x 100 cm
- Udvendige mål på standen op til friseunderkant 220 cm. over gulv
- Væghøjden er 220 cm.
- Nails and screws are not permitted to be used with walls or frieze
- Booths may not be spray painted or otherwise colored.
- Booth owner will be asked to cover any damages
- Borde (70 x 140 cm. eller 80 x 200 cm) kan lånes ved forespørgsel.
- Chairs can be borrowed upon request
- Electricity & Internet
- For spørgsmål om yderligere udstyr kan du kontakte VGE expo-koordinatorne.Contact us
Time and Place
Opening Hours
Opening hours for the public:
fredag den 13. september – kl. 11.00-17.00, lørdag og søndag den 14.-15. september – kl. 10.00-16.00
Booth Setup:
- Torsdag d. 12. september, kl. 08.00 – 20.00
- Fredag d. 13. september, kl. 08.00 – 10.00.
Booth takedown:
- Søndag kl. 16.00 – 20.00
Main Enterance
Tingvej 20
8800 Viborg
Warehouse delivery (Back Entrance)
8800 Viborg
Any and all insurance of persons and equipment during the expo relies solely on the exhibitor / booth owner.
At VGE regular Danish Law applies. Besides these, exhibitors at VGE are required to follow these additional rules, to ensure everybody at VGE are enjoying themselves.
If you do not adhere to the rules, you can - depending on the severeness of the case - receive a warning or be banned from the rest of Viborg Game Expo. Several warnings may also lead to a ban. If you break the Danish Law you will be banned and reported to the police.
- You are not allowed to sell products that do not comply to Danish Law.
- Selling and promoting wares is forbidden by Danish law, unless the exhibitor has explicitly received permission from the copyright holder, or unless the item is a derivative under the category of Parody or Satire
/// The exhibitor themselves is required to collect the necessary permissions from the legal copyright holders.
/// The exhibitor themselves assumes all legal responsibilities if they decide to sell fan-art without the necessary copyright permissions.
/// Due to the nature of the product, the VGE Staff hold the right to assume, that the exhibitor has acquired the necessary permissions if the Staff witness the sale of give fan-art. The Staff reserves the right to inquire if the artist has the necessary permissions.
- Selling and promoting wares is forbidden by Danish law, unless the exhibitor has explicitly received permission from the copyright holder, or unless the item is a derivative under the category of Parody or Satire
- Artwork or products of pornographic or overly violent categories are only allowed to be sold to individuals the age of 16 or older, according to Danish criminal law, chapter 24, §234..
/// The exhibitor have to ask for the buyer's ID before a transaction of explicit artwork or products is completed.
/// Artwork or products of pornographic or overly violent categories may not be publicly visible, due to the presence of children.
/// VGE reserves the right to inquire about the buyer's ID, or ask the seller to hide away or cover certain artwork or products for sale, if they do not comply to VGE's rules.
- Artwork or products of pornographic or overly violent categories are only allowed to be sold to individuals the age of 16 or older, according to Danish criminal law, chapter 24, §234..
Help, Contact & Support
Contact our expo-coordinator here, if you have questions regarding regristration, booths, prices, equipment, installation or other relevant inquiries about exhibiting at Viborg Game Expo:
Viborg Game Expo
Contact us
Exhibitors at VGE have access to Developer’s Lounge, Where there is peace and quite to meet other game developers.
Is anything missing? Give us a hint.